Sunday, 9 August 2009
.....the End
Saturday, 8 August 2009
Friday, 7 August 2009
wet, wet, wet...
Tonight we are mooredbelow the station at the end of the Nene Valley Railway, on some new 48 hour pontoon moorings - very nice. As we travel, we hear tales of bridges we will not get under, trouble with chavs and all sorts of woes - but so far, thankfully, we have managed OK. (apart from that bridge...). The river has risen, maybe a foot, but dry weather is forecast.
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
Off down the Nene.....
In spite of the Victoria Line being closed, Crew#4 (second heroic stint) made it to Northampton by 4pm and we did three hours or so before mooring at Billing Wharf for the night (near the curiously named Billing Aquadrome). This morning we set off past more mobile homes than I have ever seen - plus a huge camp site. Still less offensive than suburban housing, but an amazing number all the same.
Locks on The Nene are different - mostly with vertical "guillotine" gates. These are mostly electrically operated, but one was hand-wound.
Moored at a sports ground , once sponsored by Doc Martens, who have now gone. There are supposed to be facilities here, but owing to a row between the club and the Environment Agency, the facilities are closed. Grump !
We have taken everything off the roof of Moondaisy, as we had reports of extremely low bridges soon. The chimney, rusted into place after two years, needed two shots of WD40 and a medium hammer...... hope we can get under the bridges, or my plans to get to The Fens are scuppered.
Monday, 3 August 2009
The Town Hall
10 TOWERING facts
1 The lift testing tower was built by the Express Lift company in 1980.
3 It's built of 4,000 tons of reinforced concrete.
Sunday, 2 August 2009
Northampton Arm
top crew...
Weird arched cathedral-like vault carries the motorway over the arm and ( below) under construction.

Now moored on The Nene at Northampton, near Morrisons until Crew#4 arrives on Tuesday for the last leg of the trip. Looked a bit iffy here, but there is CCTV. several trips to the nearby Morrisons will be needed as once again Moondaisy's food lockers are looking pretty empty.
Saturday, 1 August 2009
Got Moondaisy's oil and filters changed at a good local boatyard. I should do it myself, but I never seem to have all the right tools, or to know where to dispose of the used oil. Now topped up with diesel and ready for 16 locks tomorrow down the Northampton Arm of the Grand Union, which leads to the River Nene in Northampton.
Had a pleasant surprise today, in the form of visitors , who had driven all the way from The Smoke. We had a good pub meal in Stoke Bruerne and a stroll around the Heritage Trail. It was so kind of them to drive all this way and it was great to see them.
Tomorrow I have to buy a Licence for the Nene from the Environment Agency. The split of waterways between British Waterways and the Environment Agency - who in turn have different Licences for different rivers - is not easy to understand.