Saturday, 1 August 2009


I had a trip into Northampton to check on moorings. not a great town but some fine buildings and, sadly, a ring road plus a grotty 70s bus station in the bowels of the Grosvenor Centre.
Got Moondaisy's oil and filters changed at a good local boatyard. I should do it myself, but I never seem to have all the right tools, or to know where to dispose of the used oil. Now topped up with diesel and ready for 16 locks tomorrow down the Northampton Arm of the Grand Union, which leads to the River Nene in Northampton.
Had a pleasant surprise today, in the form of visitors , who had driven all the way from The Smoke. We had a good pub meal in Stoke Bruerne and a stroll around the Heritage Trail. It was so kind of them to drive all this way and it was great to see them.
Tomorrow I have to buy a Licence for the Nene from the Environment Agency. The split of waterways between British Waterways and the Environment Agency - who in turn have different Licences for different rivers - is not easy to understand.