Yesterday started well with sunshine and the River Nene looked beautiful. hours of reeds, birds, trees and solitude. We stopped for lunch near the Middle Nene Cruising Club and after we had set off again, the heavens opened. There are very few places to stop on The Nene, so the only option was to go on - absolutely drenched. We arrived in heavy rain at the Oundle Boat Club, and to our great relief their Harbourmaster came out in the pouring rain and gathering gloom to offer us a mooring f
or the night - and to anounce that the bar was open. What lovely people !
There is water everywhere along the Nene Valley - flood plain, lakes, streams....
We cleared the two low bridges we had been warned about, but to my embarrassment I hit a skew arch, almost demolishing the cooker chimney - through sheer bad steering: I faiked to allow formthe flow of the river - which had increased with the rain. Ouch - left some paint on the underside of the arch. The locks are more interesting now, as they fill quickly because of the water tumbling down into them - as the lock fills, there is quite a water fall at the stern.
Tonight we are mooredbelow the station at the end of the Nene Valley Railway, on some new 48 hour pontoon moorings - very nice. As we travel, we hear tales of bridges we will not get under, trouble with chavs and all sorts of woes - but so far, thankfully, we have managed OK. (apart from that bridge...). The river has risen, maybe a foot, but dry weather is forecast.
Tomorrow (Saturday) Crew #6 goes home by train from Peterborough - about two and a half hours away) and Crew #1 arrives for the last leg to Bill Fen. We have been warned that Peterborough is "rough" ( all the towns along the Nene seem to have that reputation) but we shall see. We need food.
Stopped for lunch toay at a very pretty village (the castle where Mary Queen of Scots was killed was here - but it was removed, leaving only the mound) . We had a fine pub lunch and a pint. The stove has been lit all day to dry the wet stuff from yesterday.