Friday, 5 June 2009


Had a first walk around. Wonderful buildings - bigger and less intimate than Cambridge- and a lot of traffic, but spectacular centre and a great market. The buildings are cared for apparently with great care and unlimited resources - they are in remarkable condition, as are the grounds and gardens. the riverside is a bit bland - and a disappointment in some ways, butthe atmosphere is buzzing and there is a constant flow of tourists - souds like the Tower of Babel.
he moorings on the canal are time-limited to 48 hours, but Moondaisy can move around - there are several sites quite close to the city. Sadly, the original canal basin was filled in years ago (thanks, Lord Nuffield) and is now a car park.

The warm stone has a glow to it which is very inviting. the shops look dangerously attractive, but so far the wallet has not beenbreached apart from the odd pot of Earl Grey.....

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